
Why Choose Thinwall Rectangle Delipack? A wide selection of sizes and models are available and the Delipack Thinwall is made of safe and unbreakable plastic!

CV Wahana Surya is a Plastic Household Furniture Factory such as Thinwall Rectangle or Thinwall Boxes that are used for food storage when you are traveling. By using an airtight and spill-proof lid, it is very suitable for your business needs. Thinwall Rectangle Delipack is made from plastic raw materials that are safe and not easily broken.

CV Wahana Surya is the most complete household product plastic factory that has suppliers and distributors of household appliances in several big cities in Indonesia. Plastic Factory that produces various sizes and colors of Thinwall Delipack. CV Wahana Surya always prioritizes the most complete quality of household products and affordable prices because the CV Wahana Surya Plastic Factory also supports the business of plastic distributors and plastic suppliers.

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